The Unforeseen Variable

In evaluating a child's potential for success, we take into account certain variables. We measure, test, and evaluate these variables to 'predict' how they'll grow up and sometimes even what they'll grow up to be. 

We account for their ability to behave in a classroom, their ability to read, spell, do basic math calculations, history, science, etc. 

We even give each variable a grade- A's are excellent, F's are failing, 5's are excellent, 1's are poor.

With these graded and perfectly-measured variables, we characterize an entire human being within the confines of a few sheets of paper. 

Papers from IEP's, Progress Reports, Report Cards, and even Doctor's Reports- we somehow measure a person's potential future and success before they're even 10 years old!

Look, I get it. These reports are drowning, consuming, and overwhelming. These reports dictate services, how your child is growing, and how they're improving or not improving. 

But, frankly, these reports are sometimes only there to make sense of things that just don't make sense. How else do we measure a person's progress? Or measure how much they're learning? 

These reports give us some sense of control, measuring a person helps us evaluate areas to improve on and focus on. 

However, these reports are only as good as the variables we are accounting for. 

What about the variables not accounted for? Or at least a single unforeseen variable. 

Ever measured Work Ethic? 

Sure, they're sometimes listed on Report Cards but it's the smallest section, sometimes only one mark, and nothing more. 

It's an unforeseen variable. It's rarely accounted for and it's hardly held as significantly as a child's other 'variables' that are far easier to measure. 

Work Ethic in it of itself can give a child, Apraxia or not, the drive and perseverance to find success. Perhaps success that will never be taken for granted as it was fought hard for. 

Time and time again, we fall into these tunnel-visioned evaluations where we measure what is directly in front of us, variables that are easy to evaluate, and variables we can quantify. However, these evaluations fail to measure everything. Next time, look for the unforeseen variable or variables and who knows what future success your child may have.